Clean Energy Dashboard
Clean Energy Dashboard Quick Links
HG&E's electric mix
- Hydro-Renewable 31%
- Hydro-Carbon Free 11%
- Nuclear 16%
- System Power Carbon Free 22%
- Hydro Null Energy 20%
- Oil 0%
- Natural Gas 0%
In 2023, 31.24% of HG&E’s power supply production came from generation that qualifies as renewable, according to definitions set forth by the Renewable Portfolio Standards within the New England states. Additionally, 46.29% of HG&E’s production came from generators that produce solar, hydro, battery storage, and wind power, but that HG&E cannot claim as green energy because the renewable energy certificates (REC) are not owned by or retired with HG&E. The Null Energy Label is used to signify non-REC ownership; 19.84% of Null Energy total production served to meet HG&E’s electrical load in 2023. System Power Carbon-Free represents long-term, around-the-clock bilateral contracts with nuclear carbon-free certificates attached. The chart shows Holyoke’s supply by fuel type as a percentage of electrical load from retail sales. Please note, the percentages are rounded in the chart.
- Carbon-Free Renewable 31%
- Carbon-Free 49%
- Other 20%
2023 EMissions
In 2023, 31.24% is renewable and carbon-free while an additional 48.92% is carbon-free (nuclear, carbon-free system power, and hydro). The Other category comprises 19.84% of carbon-emitting resources. Therefore, 80.16% of HG&E’s electrical load for the year was considered carbon-free. These charts use draft NEPOOL Residual Mix values and the percentages are rounded.
Click the links below to learn more about our
clean energy sources & PATHWAY TO 2050
Electricity is a vital part of the way that we live our lives. However, some of the conventional ways of generating that electricity, such as coal combustion, are not so friendly to the environment because they result in the emission of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. Our goal is to expand carbon-free sources of electric generation in environmentally sensitive ways and promote the reduction of energy use through energy efficiency programs, all while maintaining some of the lowest electric rates in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This successful balance is reflected in the fact that HG&E’s carbon footprint is significantly less than that of the average utility in New England.
Hydro |
Solar |
Wind |
Nuclear |

Pathway to Net-Zero by 2050
Holyoke Gas & Electric (HG&E) is committed to protecting the environment while providing affordable energy services that meet the needs of the community. Building on Holyoke’s long history of innovation and energy leadership, HG&E’s Sustainability Plan highlights a set of strategies and actions that will help the community reach net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050.
HG&E's Pathway to Net-Zero
HG&E manages a diverse power supply portfolio, purchasing power to meet our customers ever-changing electric loads. HG&E monitors possible monthly and annual peak hours and actively institutes load reduction measures to lower HG&E’s load and thus costs during these times. As part of the Energy Purchasing and Risk Management Plan, the Department monitors the available energy supply and sources on a daily basis to stabilize and ensure price certainty for the future cost of power. The Department purchases power on both a short-term and long-term basis to take advantage of the fluctuating market, manage the risk of rising prices, and increase the stability of future energy costs, thereby stabilizing rates for all customers.
A portion of HG&E’s power supply production came from generation that qualifies as renewable, according to definitions set forth by the Renewable Portfolio Standards within the New England states. Additionally, some of HG&E’s production comes from generators that produce solar, hydro and wind power, but which HG&E cannot claim as green energy because the renewable energy certificates (REC) are not owned by or retired with HG&E. The Null Energy Label is used to signify non-REC ownership/retirement.

Renewable Energy for customers
Would you like to learn more about installing renewable energy generation at your home or business? HG&E can answer your questions related to your home energy system such as general feasibility, system potential developers/installers and available incentives, and even provide a free technical review of projected system revenues provided by developers to ensure that their projections are realistic.
Learn more by visiting the following links:
Energy Conservation & Education
HG&E has a variety of rebates and incentives, as well as educational resources that can help customers conserve energy and better understand their usage. From simple tips to complete electrification, HG&E can help you every step of the way. Please explore the links below, it could save you energy and money!

Clean Energy Partners
HG&E has been recognized as a leader in clean energy and is constantly looking for innovative, cost-effective ways to expand and diversify the portfolio of renewable and carbon-free electricity. Partnering with national and regional energy leaders, HG&E has received over $5 Million in grant funding to support local, clean energy goals. In addition, HG&E has invested approximately $20 Million in collaborative clean energy projects that provide renewable energy to the community and enable future clean energy development.
For more information, visit Clean Energy Partners.
Clean Energy Growth
HG&E is constantly looking for innovative, cost-effective ways to expand and diversify its portfolio of renewable and carbon-free content. As a vertically integrated municipal utility, HGE& has the ability to vendors and developers in order to identify opportunities for new and emerging clean energy technologies.

Clean Energy Awards & Designations
HG&E has been recognized as a leader in utility transformation and clean energy innovation in the region by a wide range of agencies over the years, including but not limited to:
- 2023 Utility Transformation Leaderboard from the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA), also received in 2021
- Ranked 3rd out of 41 Massachusetts Municipal Electric Utilities in Mass Climate Action Networks (MCAN) 2021 scorecard
- 2022 Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) ranked HG&E in the 95th percentile of all utilities and in the 96th percentile of all municipal utilities for utility transformation
- Reliable Public Power Provider from the American Public Power Association (APPA)
- Smart Energy Provider Award from the American Public Power Association (APPA)
- Certificate of Excellence in Reliability from the American Public Power Association (APPA)
- Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) ranked HG&E third nationally in energy storage per capita
- The Ira W. Leighton, Jr. Outstanding Innovative Technology Award from Environmental Business Council of New England for Mount Tom Solar & Energy Storage System
- Energy Manager Today Project of the Year for Mount Tom Solar & Energy Storage System
- Safety Achievement Award from the American Gas Association (AGA)
- Massachusetts’ Solar Cities & Towns 2012: Leaders in the Race Toward a Clean Energy Future – Mueller Road Solar Facility
- System Operational Achievement Recognition from the American Public Gas Association (APGA)
Engineering the Future
September 10, 2024
Each summer, the energy throughout HG&E increases as we welcome our new and returning Cadet Engineering students. In 2024, two exceptional high school graduates arrived, their eyes bright with ambition and minds overflowing with innovative ideas about the future. Graduating from Holyoke High School and Hampshire Regional High School, respectively, Alexander (Alex) Dumas and Zachary (Zack) Roy both graduated at the top of their classes and got right to work after receiving HG&E's Cornelius J. Moriarty, Jr. Scholarship for Cadet Engineers.
Celebrate Public Power & Public Natural Gas Week
August 07, 2024
Holyoke Gas and Electric (HG&E) is inviting the local community to celebrate Public Power & Public Natural Gas Week on October 9 from 4 – 6 PM at The Holyoke Merry-Go-Round. This free event will feature a little something for the entire family!
April 09, 2024
Holyoke Gas & Electric (HG&E) has earned the highest Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3)® designation from the American Public Power Association for providing reliable and safe electric service.