HG&E’s pipelines quietly, reliably, and efficiently deliver natural gas throughout the service territory for household, commercial, and industrial use. Natural gas energy is the most popular home heating fuel in America and its pipeline system is among the safest and most secure methods of transporting energy.
The natural gas industry works very closely with government and stays abreast of new security methods and technologies to ensure the highest levels of security. Individual gas utilities also evaluate their security procedures on a regular basis and continually enhance security programs as necessary and appropriate to meet their needs. HG&E works with local emergency response officials to prepare in the event of an incident.
As part of HG&E’s public awareness program as well as continued commitment towards safety and stakeholder engagement, this webpage was developed to share the most up to date content for emergency response officials.
Natural Gas
Natural gas is a colorless and odorless fuel. For purposes of safety and detection, gas companies are required to add a harmless chemical called mercaptan, which has a distinctive smell. This scent will help you detect natural gas. In the event that you smell this in your home, office, neighborhood, or any other location, please leave the building or area, do not operate any electronic devices, and call 911 as well as HG&E at (413) 536-9300 from a safe space.
Emergency Response
If you find your agency is a first responder to a gas emergency, think safety first. Immediately notify HG&E and maintain a safe perimeter around the area. Upon HG&E arrival, a course of action will be strategized. Remember, ensuring public safety is always the top priority.
Training & Resources
If your agency would like to conduct natural gas training, please reach out to HG&E at (413) 536-9300. In addition, please visit the Northeast Gas Associations First Responder Website for a variety of helpful resources.