Community & Environment

HG&E is empowering the community through investments that go beyond powerlines and distribution pipes. Whether volunteering, sponsoring non-profit organizations, facilitating tours, providing safety education programs, or promoting energy efficiency for the wellbeing of the entire City, HG&E commits time and resources to the residential and business community.
HG&E was founded with one goal in mind: to make Holyoke a better place to live and work. As fellow members of the Holyoke community, we strive to uphold that legacy on a daily basis.
Sponsorship of Major Community Events:
- Hispanic Family Festival
- St. Patrick’s Day Parade
- Holyoke Fireworks
- And more!
For more information, please see our latest Annual Report.
Whether through reducing our carbon footprint, or developing projects and conducting maintenance activities in a sensitive way, HG&E is committed to being a good steward of the environment. If you have any suggestions on how we can make improvements at any of our facilities, please contact us!