March 08, 2021
This spring, HG&E uniformed personnel may be in your neighborhood completing meter inspections and replacements. In order to comply with state regulations, HG&E must inspect your gas meter at least once every three years and replace your gas meter every seven years. If a gas meter is due for inspection or replacement and access to your home is required, HG&E will notify the property owner of the required work to schedule an appointment. As a reminder, customers must provide access to HG&E meters as a condition of service.
In addition to the meter inspections, HG&E annually conducts walking surveys of gas services. Contracted personnel may be in your neighborhood performing this service. The survey consists of walking the length of the gas service from the street to the home. This is all part of HG&E's commitment to system safety.
If you have any questions, please contact HG&E at (413) 536-9300. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!