2023 News Articles

Holiday Discount

Holiday Discount

Last month, Holyoke Gas & Electric's Commission approved an extra 10% prompt payment discount on energy services billed during the December cycle. This discount applies to commercial and residential gas and electric customers who are not already participating in an economic development discount program.

HG&E Recognized as Smart Energy Provider

HG&E Recognized as Smart Energy Provider

Holyoke Gas & Electric (HG&E) has earned a Smart Energy Provider (SEP) designation from the American Public Power Association for demonstrating a commitment to and proficiency in energy efficiency, distributed generation, and environmental initiatives that support the goal of providing safe, reliable, low-cost, and sustainable electric service. Kris Sellstrom, Energy and Gas Resources Manager at Jamestown Board of Public Utilities in Jamestown, New York, and chair of APPA’s Energy Innovation Committee, presented the designations on November 13 in San Antonio, Texas during APPA’s annual Customer Connections Conference.

What to Expect this Winter

What to Expect this Winter

While HG&E is proud to offer some of the lowest utility rates in the region, we understand that with inflation and the rising cost of everyday expenses even the slightest increase in energy rates can have a significant impact on our customers. As a community-owned utility, we work to stabilize charges as much as possible but there are components of each rate that are influenced by market conditions and the cost of fuel, which fall outside of HG&E's direct control.

Engineering the Future

Engineering the Future

Understanding the long-term clean energy goals of the State, 2023 Cadet Engineer and mechanical entrepreneur, Natalie Ramos is interested in discovering new ways consumers can improve their carbon footprints. But before Ramos changes the world, she is going to make a few pit stops along the way, and one happens to be at HG&E. Ramos was selected as the 2023 recipient of the prestigious Cornelius J. Moriarty, Jr. Scholarship for Cadet Engineers.

Celebrate Public Power & Public Natural Gas Week

Celebrate Public Power & Public Natural Gas Week

Holyoke Gas and Electric (HG&E) is inviting the local community to celebrate Public Power & Public Natural Gas Week on October 4 from 4 – 6 PM at Veterans Park. This free event will feature a little something for the entire family!

APGA Congratulates HG&E for Operational Excellence

APGA Congratulates HG&E for Operational Excellence

The American Public Gas Association (APGA) presented Holyoke Gas & Electric (HG&E) with the prestigious APGA System Operational Achievement Recognition (SOAR) for excellence in operating its natural gas utility. Public natural gas systems, like HG&E, are entrusted by their customers to deliver clean and affordable natural gas through a safe and reliable distribution pipeline system. To accomplish this mission, a forward-thinking natural gas utility constantly strives to improve its operating capabilities, overcome challenges, and adapt to its changing environment.

HG&E Receives $10 Million Award to Improve Aging Infrastructure

HG&E Receives $10 Million Award to Improve Aging Infrastructure

Today, U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) announced $22 million in grant awards for three communities in Massachusetts, through a new grant program aimed at mitigating safety risk and methane emissions from aging natural gas distribution pipes.

HG&E Earns National Clean Energy Future Recognition

HG&E Earns National Clean Energy Future Recognition

Holyoke Gas & Electric (HG&E) has been recognized as one of a handful of utilities nationwide for its leadership in transforming to a carbon-free energy system by the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) and is on the 2023 Utility Transformation Leaderboard.

Winter Gas Safety Tips

Winter Gas Safety Tips

HG&E would like to remind you that the accumulation of snow and ice on meters, regulators, and other aboveground pipe components may create a safety hazard and increases the risk of carbon monoxide (CO) build up in your home or business.