HG&E is a municipal utility, which means that we are not-for-profit and owned by the community we serve – Holyoke. Unlike private utilities, we do not answer to shareholders thousands of miles away. Instead, we answer to you, our ratepayer.
Having a local, public utility benefits the community in many ways, including:
- We operate in the public interest – to improve the quality of life for our customers and the community.
- We are leaders in energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainability and environmental stewardship, with a focus on the future success of the community. With that in mind, HG&E provides carbon-free electricity that exceeds the Commonwealth’s renewable portfolio standard for utilities.
- Our focus is on providing excellent and reliable service instead of making a profit for corporate shareholders. HG&E has received some of the highest levels of recognition related to service and reliability from American Public Power Association (APPA) and the American Public Gas Association (APGA).
- Our employees live in the community, and many are HG&E customers themselves.
- If a customer has a concern, they can discuss the problem locally, with HG&E management, and be assured that the problem will be addressed. In HG&E’s 2022 Customer Satisfaction Survey, 95.3% of customers reported a positive rating regarding their relationship with HG&E.
- Local ownership means that a good portion of our customers’ energy dollars stay in the community – creating jobs and supporting the local economy.
- Our rates and services are controlled locally. This enables us to carefully make decisions and provide services that specifically benefit the community.
- We provide our customers with energy at some of the lowest rates in Massachusetts.
- Our low energy rates and innovative energy conservation incentives serve to assist the City’s Economic Development efforts.