2022 News Articles

Holiday Discount
December 01, 2022
Last month, Holyoke Gas & Electric's Commission approved an extra 10% prompt payment discount on energy services billed during the December cycle. This discount applies to commercial and residential gas and electric customers who are not already participating in an economic development discount program.

What to Expect this Winter
November 02, 2022
While HG&E is proud to offer some of the lowest utility rates in the region, we understand that with inflation and the rising cost of everyday expenses even the slightest increase in energy rates can have a significant impact on our customers. As a community-owned utility, we work to stabilize charges as much as possible but there are components of each rate that are influenced by market conditions and the cost of fuel, which fall outside of HG&E's direct control.

Engineering the Future
September 01, 2022
In the summer of 2022, HG&E welcomed two new cadet engineers onto our team, Chris Perez and Kyle Lippman. Both graduates of Holyoke High School, they spent their summer arriving to work at 7 am and learning about the important work happening at HG&E and throughout their community. From the fishway to gas service, and the meter department to power supply, these recent high school graduates were exposed to a variety of HG&E career paths as they became oriented to their new roles.

Celebrate Public Power & Public Natural Gas Week
August 03, 2022
Holyoke Gas and Electric (HG&E) is inviting the local community to celebrate Public Power & Public Natural Gas Week on October 5 from 4 – 6 PM at Veterans Park. This free event will feature a little something for the entire family!

Gas Heating System Check-Up
July 07, 2022
Cold weather is just a few months away, plan ahead and get your natural gas fired heating system ready for falling temperatures. HG&E is offering a limited number of free winter checkups on a first come first serve basis. After the free appointments fill up, the normal service rates will be applied to the customer bill. Please book your winter checkup before September 16.

Modernizing the Electric Distribution System
January 31, 2022
For 120 years, HG&E has been providing customers with reliable and affordable utility services. As we prepare and plan for the future of the local distribution system, we anticipate customers will adopt additional electric technologies and equipment, like Air Source Heat Pumps, Electric Vehicles, Electric Water Heaters, and other smart devices. In order to manage the rising electric demand, HG&E is working to modernize distribution infrastructure so customers have the ability to add technologies to homes and businesses with the same level of reliability they have today.

Sign up for E-Bill!
January 27, 2022
The U.S. Postal Service recently announced mail delivery delays. For your convenience, monthly statements can easily be delivered via email, with no interruption! Sign up today by creating an online account and selecting the e-bill option. Choose the environmentally friendly paperless option and skip the mail entirely, or choose to get an email in addition to traditional mail. Email is the best way to guarantee you get your bill in a timely manner.

January Outage Update
January 19, 2022
Outage Update: Power was restored to all customers this morning at 10:23 am, our team appreciates your patience and understanding throughout this unexpected event. We want to take a moment to distinguish this event from an outage that took place on January 8.