Residential Electric Rate

Residential Electric Schedule (227E)

Residential Electric Schedule
Customer Charge $5.55 per meter
Energy Charge $0.14072 per kWh
Purchase Power Adjustment (PPA) $0.04101 per kWh
Hydroelectric Power Credit*  $(0.01200) per kWh
Renewable Energy Charge** $0.00050 per kWh
Prompt Payment Discount 10% Monthly Discount

*For billing purposes, the Hydropower Reduction may be combined with, and reflected in, the Purchased Power Adjustment.
**Excluded from discount.


Distributed Generation Credit
Distributed Generation Credit (Solar) $0.052 per kWh

Fixed monthly amount that covers maintenance and repair of meters and other customer-related expenses. This charge does not depend on the amount of electricity used.

Covers the cost of operating and maintaining HG&E's electric distribution system. To calculate your energy charge, you can multiply the number of kWh used during the monthly billing cycle by the rate.

This component of your rate can be a charge or a credit, depending on HG&E's actual power cost as compared to the projected cost of power used to set utility rates.  For more information, please see the Department's Standard Purchased Power Adjustment Clause.

An adjustment in the rate due to power purchased from the Niagara hydroelectric projects. This reduction in rate may be further adjusted based on Department’s owned hydroelectric facilities, at the discretion of the Department from time to time. For billing purposes, this Hydropower Reduction may be combined with and reflected in the Purchased Power Adjustment. For more information, please see  Department's Hydroelectric Power Adjustment Clause.

COMMUNITY SHARED SOLAR REDUCTION (For customers who opt into the Community Solar Program)
The cost per kWh for all energy will be adjusted due to the purchase by the Department of power from the Community Shared Solar Generation Unit(s). The savings in cost per KWH will be determined by computing the savings in energy costs and dividing by the concurrent KWH sold to the residential customers participating in the Program. The credit applied will be adjusted upward or downward from time to time such that the savings in power costs will accrue entirely to the Department's residential customers who have opted in to the Program. For more information, please see the Community Shared Solar Residential Electric Schedule

This monthly cost helps fund the Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust, which helps to establish renewable energy projects in the State of Massachusetts. Participation in the program allows HG&E, and it's customers, the ability to participate in solicitations and grant opportunities. For more information, please visit Massachusetts Clean Energy Center. 

A discount of 10% will be allowed on current gross bills provided the bill, including any arrearage, is paid in full within fifteen (15) days of date of bill.

For customers who have their own renewable energy generation installed at their home (i.e. solar), HG&E compensates customers for the electricity produced at wholesale rates, which varies from time to time based on market conditions. For additional information, please see HG&E's Distributed Generation Policy & Application

The following Rules & Regulations are applicable to all HG&E utility rate schedules.  These Rules & Regulations have been established to convey the conditions that you agree to when requesting and receiving services from HG&E. 

  • Uniquely, HG&E is a vertically integrated utility, owning and operating generation, transmission, and distribution!

Contact Info

99 Suffolk Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
Tel: (413) 536-9300
Toll-free: (877) 742-5443