Do you have a business, basketball court or driveway that needs additional lighting? HG&E’s contract lighting service can give your home or business a full exterior lighting solution at low monthly cost to you! This service can include a light, photocell, and 35 foot wood pole – all wired and installed. Our low contract light rates even include the cost of electricity! To learn more, contact us!
There are several benefits to renting a light from HG&E instead of purchasing your own. First of all, HG&E handles all light installation and maintenance for you at no additional charge, so you don’t have to worry about the high capital costs of, or the headaches associated with such activities. Also, your low monthly cost remains constant month to month, thereby allowing for better budgeting. Since HG&E purchases lights in bulk and these lights are installed by either our own employees, or workers under annual contracts, we can generally procure and install/maintain a light at a lower overall cost than if you were to purchase the light and pay for installation and repairs as needed.
Interested in installing a contract light at your home or business? Contact us. As a complimentary service, a representative from HG&E can perform a site visit to help you determine the best and most economic lights to suit your property’s needs.