Bill Overview

- A. In the top right corner of your bill, please find your payment due date, and the prompt payment discount deadline.
- B. This section lists account information, including: account number, service address, bill date, and discount date.
- C. In this section, you will see your energy consumption broken down by service within the given billing period (E=Electric, G=Gas).
- D. In this section, please find your summary of usage and rate calculations.
- E. In this section, please find any additional charges, for example: service charge, loan payment, or telecommunications monthly charge.
- F. In this section, please find your usage in comparison to the previous month and the previous year.
- G. In this section, please find your total account balance, including current charges and past due balance.
- H. The back of the bill features important bill information, including payment options, terms of use, and contact information.