Fuel Assistance

HG&E has crafted programs to help customers prepare for the unpredictable New England climate, they include the following:

Local & Regional Fuel Aid Programs

For your convenience, your HG&E team has put together important information regarding local and regional fuel aid programs. While these programs are not managed or endorsed by HG&E, we want to make customers aware of these opportunities.

Valley Opportunity Council (VOC) | (413) 552-1548 
VOC’s Fuel Assistance Program, LIHEAP, serves households throughout Hampden County. Spanish Translation Available. 

Due to the pandemic, VOC has made it easy to apply from the comfort of your home. Call (413) 552-1548 to apply today and documents can be emailed to fuelassistance@valleyopp.com

You will need to prepare the following documents:

  • Photo ID (over 18)
  • Birth certificates, including children
  • Social security card (all residents)
  • Owner will need housing expenses (mortgage, property taxes, insurance and water/sewer)
  • Renter will need a copy of their lease or rental and rental assistance, if applicable
  • Gross income, including wages, SSA, SSI, SSP, rental income, child support or unemployment
  • Interest/dividends
  • Self employed individuals will need a copy of their tax return or tax transcripts

Way Finders | (413) 233-1500
Way Finders serves as the regional Housing Consumer Education Center (HCEC) for Hampden and Hampshire counties and administers financial assistance programs such as Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT), The Emergency Rental and Mortgage Assistance (ERMA), and other municipal programs. 

Veterans Financial Assistance | (413) 538-5630
The Massachusetts Veteran Benefit Calculator helps Massachusetts residents who have served in the military quickly and easily determine if they may be eligible for financial assistance through a state program known as Chapter 115 benefits. By completing the calculator, low-income veterans, along with their dependents and survivors, can find out if they qualify for monthly cash assistance and get information about benefits earned through their service.

Springfield Partners for Community Action | (413) 263-6500
Administers federally-funded Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). Spanish Translation Available.

Distrigas / Citizens Energy | (877) 563-4645
Provides up to $150 per heating season to natural gas customers who have exhausted their fuel assistance benefits, or those who are ineligible to receive federal fuel assistance. Spanish Translation Available

Council of Churches of Greater Springfield / Emergency Fuel Fund | (413) 733-2149 
Provides financial support to individuals and families to help them purchase heating fuel during the winter months. Funds are limited. Priority is given to senior citizens, first-time callers, and families with young children.

Salvation Army Good Neighbor Energy Fund | (800) 262-1320
Provides up to $275 per heating season to needy families who otherwise don't qualify for fuel assistance programs and generally receive 60%-80% of the State Median Income Level.

Community Action Pioneer Valley | (413) 774-2318
Community Action Pioneer Valley Fuel Assistance Program, LIHEAP, serves households throughout Franklin and Hampshire County.

Additional Helpful Contacts

Contact Info

99 Suffolk Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
Tel: (413) 536-9300
Toll-free: (877) 742-5443