HG&E Directory

If you see a downed powerlinesmell natural gas, or suspect an emergency, please call 911 then Holyoke Gas & Electric at (413) 536-9300.

Directory By Department
Customer Service (413) 536-9300

(877) 742-5443 (Toll Free)

(413) 552-0392 (Fax)

Emergency Dispatch

(413) 536-9300

Manager's Office (413) 536-9313

(413) 536-9333

Procurement (413) 536-9308
Street Light Inquiries (413) 536-9355
Telecommunication Sales

(413) 536-9444

Telecommunication Support (888) 513-3090


Directory By Employee
Name Position Phone
Rogers, Lisa Customer Service Manager (413) 536-9324
McMahon, Brooke Director of Finance & Accounting (413) 536-9318
Sullivan Craven, Kate Director of Marketing & Communications (413) 536-9333
Perry, Chris Environmental Health & Safety Coordinator (413) 322-1575
Roman, Tanya Executive Secretary & Records Access Officer (413) 536-9313
Lavelle, James General Manager (413) 536-9311
Uroza, Geisha Human Resources  (413) 536-9317
Wong, Chi Procurement Coordinator (413) 536-9308
Roy, Steve Superintendent of Electric (413) 536-9352
Roy, Brian Superintendent of Gas (413) 536-9346
Jonah, Kirk Telecommunications Operations Manager (413) 536-9484