Commercial Application for Gas Service


Business Service: HG&E may be able to accommodate certain commercial/industrial requests depending on the specific load profile and the ability for those customers to utilize dual fuel, on HG&E’s interruptible rate, during peak periods.

Background: The Northampton Lateral pipeline that feeds HG&E, Berkshire Gas and Columbia Gas of Massachusetts has been at capacity for some time. Moratoriums on new gas connections have been in place since as early as 2014 for other utilities served by this pipeline. HG&E’s system load has grown significantly over the past several years, with no corresponding increases in supply, due to the capacity constraints. HG&E is currently evaluating options to bring additional capacity to the area but, due to significant opposition to adding new capacity to the region, the time frame for securing additional capacity is uncertain.

Contact Info

99 Suffolk Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
Tel: (413) 536-9300
Toll-free: (877) 742-5443