Air Source Heat Pump/Mini-Split Basic Rebate

HG&E air source heat pump/mini-split basic Rebate:

$250/Ton up to $1,000

IMPORTANT: It is strongly recommended that you review all eligibility requirements listed in the sections below before you install your heat pump/mini-split system to ensure it meets program requirements. 
Please Note: If you are planning to install a heat pump or mini-split system as your primary heating system, sized to provide 100% of your home's heating requirements, consider applying for our Whole-Home Heat Pump Program instead of this $250/ton basic rebate.  (The Whole Home Heat Pump Program provides a higher heat pump rebate of $600-$750/ton as well as a weatherization rebate adder for installing a qualifying heat pump or mini-split system.)

Efficiency requirements:
  • Non-ducted (Ductless)*: SEER2 ≥ 16, EER2 ≥ 9, HSPF2 ≥ 9.5, COP at 5°F ≥ 1.75
  • Ducted, or mix of ducted and ductless**: SEER2 ≥ 15.2, EER2 ≥ 10, HSPF2 (Region IV) ≥ 8.1, COP at 5°F ≥ 1.75
  • HCR ≥ 70% @ at 5°F/47°F (rated capacity) or ≥ 58% @ at 17°F/47°F (rated capacity)
(Click here if you would like more information on what these efficiency ratings mean)

* Meets ASHP Non-Ducted CEE Tier 2 Specifications (required for 2023 heat pump tax incentive)
** Meets ASHP Ducted CEE Tier 1 Specifications (required for 2023 heat pump tax incentive)


Additional Requirements

  • Post Installation form required to be completed by installer and submitted with application. (Click here for the post installation form) 
  • AHRI certification required


• Customer must have an active electric account with HG&E on the residential service rate. The building where the equipment is being installed must be a residential building with an active electric account. (Landlords are eligible as long as equipment is installed in a residential building that has 4 units or less). Please note: Southampton customers who only receive gas service through HG&E are not eligible and should seek funding through the MassSave program as heat pumps use electricity to operate.
• One rebate of each type available for any home (including multifamily home with a single owner) per year (i.e. per each 12-month period).
• Rebate amount is determined based on total tons of cooling capacity (1 Ton = 12,000 BTUs).
• The condenser and the evaporator coil must be new and replaced together. Leased equipment and equipment included in the purchase of a residence are not eligible to receive rebates.
• Work must be performed by a licensed contractor
• A copy of the invoice must be submitted which contains/confirms the following:
1. Name, address, and phone number of the contractor that completed the installation.
2. Customer name and address listed on invoice must match HG&E customer account, if applicable.
3. Invoice must be billed to the HG&E customer who is applying for the rebate.
• Qualified equipment must be purchased within the given program year and applications must be submitted by March 31st of the following year.
• Payment will only be issued to the primary account holder/holders listed on the HG&E account for the application being submitted. If customer has outstanding balance on HG&E account, any rebate over $100 will be applied to outstanding balance, and any remaining amount will be applied as an on-bill credit.
• Payment Information: All rebates of $500 or less will automatically be applied as an on-bill credit.
• HG&E reserves the right to modify or end these rebates at any time.

STEP-BY-STEP PROCESS IF: You would like to receive this rebate and also financial assistance at 0% interest through HG&E's Residential Energy Assistance Program (REAP):

1. Review the rebate eligibility requirements
2. Get a quote for a system that meets the system requirements listed on this page. 
3. Submit your application for the REAP before you start the project. We will notify you within 2-3 days as to whether you are approved.
4. If you are approved for the REAP, it usually takes about 3 weeks for you to receive the REAP assistance payment as well as the rebate after the installation is completed (pending receipt of all required documents)


STEP-BY-STEP PROCESS IF:  You are just interested in receiving this rebate and NOT the financial assistance at 0% interest through HG&E's Residential Energy Assistance Program (REAP):

1. Review the rebate eligibility requirements
2. Get a quote for a system that meets the system requirements listed on this page. 
3. After the installation is completed, submit the rebate application located on this webpage, and have your installer submit the post-installation form this post-installation form. It usually takes about 3 weeks to receive the rebate payment. 


additional incentives available:

Residential Energy Assistance Program

Financial assistance at 0% interest for qualifying projects. Apply before you begin your project to secure the funds!

Connected Homes Smart Device Monthly Incentive

Receive a $5-$8/month incentive for allowing HG&E to remotely adjust the temperature of your smart thermostat, water heater or heat pump controller a few times each month.

